User:Sandy Harris/Articles

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For many of these articles, I am the main or only writer to date.

General crypto & security


  • Developing Article Active attack: An attack on a communications system in which the attacker creates, alters, replaces, re-routes or blocks messages; this contrasts with a passive attack in which he only reads them. [e]
  • Developing Article Passive attack: An attack on a communications system in which the attacker reads messages he is not supposed to but does not alter them. [e]
  • Developing Article Brute force attack: An attempt to break a cipher by trying all possible keys; long enough keys make this impractical. [e]
  • Stub Algebraic attack: Attacking a cipher by writing equations that describe its operation, then solving for the key. [e]
  • Developing Article Code book attack: Attacking a block cipher by creating a code book, collecting plaintext/ciphertext pairs. [e]
  • Stub Birthday attack: An attack on a cryptographic system that works by finding two identical outputs from the system. [e]
  • Developing Article Meet-in-the-middle attack: An attack on a block cipher in which the attacker can calculate possible values of the same intermediate variable (the middle) in two independent ways, starting either from the input of the cipher (plaintext) or from the output ( ciphertext); he calculates some possible values each way and compares the results. [e]
  • Developing Article Man-in-the-middle attack: An attack on a communications system in which the attacker deceives the communicating parties so they both talk to him while believing they are talking to each other. [e]
  • Stub Dictionary attack: Attacking a password system by encrypting an entire dictionary and then checking if any stored passwords match [e]
  • Traffic analysis: Add brief definition or description


Many of these are only stubs.

  • Developed Article CAST (cipher): A general procedure for constructing a family of block ciphers. [e]
  • Stub Rivest ciphers: A set of symmetric-key encryption algorithms invented by Ron Rivest. [e]
  • Stub International Data Encryption Algorithm: A block cipher designed by James Massey and Xuejia Lai in 1991, intended as a replacement for the Data Encryption Standard. [e]
  • Stub Serpent (cipher): A block cipher which was a finalist in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) contest, designed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, and Lars Knudsen. [e]
  • Developing Article Blowfish (cipher): A block cipher, designed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier and included in a large number of cipher suites and encryption products. [e]
  • Stub MARS (cipher): A block cipher that was IBM's submission to the Advanced Encryption Standard process. [e]
  • Developing Article Twofish (cipher): A bock cipher from Schneier and others that was a finalist in the AES competition. [e]
  • Stub GOST cipher: A Soviet and Russian government standard symmetric key block cipher; also based on this block cipher is the GOST hash function. [e]
  • Stub Skipjack (cipher): A block cipher developed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA); initially classified, it was originally intended for use in the controversial Clipper chip. [e]
  • Stub LOKI (cipher): Block ciphers (LOKI89 and LOKI91) designed as possible replacements for the Data Encryption Standard (DES). [e]
  • Stub SAFER (cipher): A family of block ciphers designed primarily by James Massey (one of the designers of IDEA) on behalf of Cylink Corporation. [e]
  • Stub De-correlated Fast Cipher: A block cipher which was created in 1998 by a group of researchers from École Normale Supérieure, CNRS, and France Télécom, and submitted to the AES competition. [e]
  • Stub Tiny Encryption Algorithm: A block cipher notable for its simplicity of description and implementation (typically a few lines of code), designed by David Wheeler and Roger Needham. [e]
  • Stub Hasty Pudding (cipher): A variable-block-size block cipher designed by Richard Schroeppel, which has its input block size and key length variable, and an input parameter called the 'spice'. [e]
  • Stub DEAL (cipher): A block cipher derived from the Data Encryption Standard (DES), from a design proposed in a report by Lars Knudsen in 1998. [e]
  • Stub E2 (cipher): A block cipher which was created in 1998 by NTT and submitted to the AES competition. [e]
  • Stub Camellia (cipher): A block cipher developed jointly by Mitsubishi and NTT in 2000, which has similar design elements to earlier block ciphers MISTY1 and E2. [e]
  • Stub CRYPTON (cipher): A block cipher efficient in hardware implementations, designed by Chae Hoon Lim of Future Systems Inc. [e]
  • Stub MAGENTA (cipher): A block cipher developed by Michael Jacobson Jr. and Klaus Huber for Deutsche Telekom. [e]
  • Stub SEED (cipher): A block cipher developed by the Korean Information Security Agency, used broadly throughout South Korean industry, but seldom found elsewhere. [e]
  • Stub FROG (cipher): Add brief definition or description
  • Stub Triple DES: Add brief definition or description


Others I have contributed substantially to:

I almost completely rewrote WikiLeaks after a complicated controversy over the article. Sandy Harris 13:15, 25 January 2011 (UTC)