User:Revo Arka Giri Soekatno
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Name: Mr. Revo Arka Giri Soekatno ("Revi")
Revi Soekatno was born in Ambon, Indonesia 1975. He is of Javanese heritage as both his parents were from Surakarta, Central Java.
Revi Soekatno holds a Master degree in Indonesian literature and a PhD degree in Old Javanese literature. He got his Master degree in Indonesian literature in 1999 from the University of Leiden. His thesis is about Malay language letters in Javanese scripts.
In 2009 he got his PhD degree in Old Javanese literature from the same university. His dissertation is a text edition of a Middle Javanese text; Kidung Tantri Kediri.
Participation in Encyclopedia-like Projects
Revi Soekatno is a longtime user in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. He has been an admin on the Indonesian and Javanese language Wikipedia which he founded.
Why Do I edit Citizendium
Revi Soekatno has been a long-time Wikipedia editor. However he also likes the concept of Citizendium as an encyclopaedia by experts. He hopes he can contribute his expertise on his fields of knowledge.