User:Ian Brodrick

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I am an archaeologist by training, Expert in Continuity and Cultural Change (Univ of London, Inst of Archaeology, upper second) Started PHD in same but died of boredom and left. Have worked on some of the major Palaeolithic excavations in the Middle East (i.e.. Hayomin) and also know British Archaeology pretty well - although I am out of date in terms of recent excavation.

Also studies postgrad. Computer Science at Univ of South Bank, and have worked as a systems designer for a while. I am very business savvy now, and work with technology/technical disputes behind the scenes, which I handle for major clients.

I have a strong political interest, but no genuine affiliation or membership. I was however co founder of various Green groups in West London in the 1980's when it was not fashionable! Very pleased it is now though.

I have also worked as a fraud investigator in Government (UK), and know how that works all too well (government, not so much the fraud)! Have strong ties with the Middle East via Archaeology, friendship and travel - and I support a Palestinian Aid Group aiming to help children in the West Bank get an education in something more that small arms.

Strong interest in World Religion, in particular Hinayana Buddhism. Have spend much time in Tibet and Tibetan areas of Asia.