User:Ben Cloud
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
B.S. in English Education from Northern Arizona University
M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Northern Arizona University
Educational Leadership from University of Phoenix - Certified Principal K-12 Administrator
Additional Classes in Software taken at Various Educations Learning Centers
Additional Theology Classes taken at Fuller Theological Seminary
1994-1995 - TESL English Teacher @ Holbrook High School
1995-1998 - TESL English Teacher @ McClintock High School
1999-2001 - Software Developer for NCS Pearson
2001-2007 - Associate Test Engineer at General Dynamics
2006-Currently - Lead Pastor at AMADEO Church.
Ben Cloud is currently the Lead Pastor at AMADEO church in Gilbert, Arizona. & He is one of many pastors in a community of churches called the Association of Vineyard Churches. His primary interest lies in research and education as it regards Reformed, Charismatic and Missional theology and the Linguistic implications of those who practice, communicate and articulate in the aforementioned arenas. He has coined the term "Chariformissional," as that branch of Christian theology which humbly embraces the Kingdom Theology of the charismatic movement (See John Wimber), the doctrinal conservatism born from the reformed movement (see Luther & Calvin), and the liberal inclusion of cultural aspects of society which embraces the missional theology demonstrated by St Paul in his discourses at Mars Hill.