Stan Freberg/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Stan Freberg.
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  • Freberg, Stan (1988). It only hurts when I laugh, 1st ed.. New York: Times Books. ISBN 9780812912975. 
  • Freberg, Stan (1991-04). The Best of the Stan Freberg Shows. Highbridge Co. ISBN 0942110471. 
  • Martin, Ronda (1986). Stan Freberg : his credits and contributions to advertising. *Nachman, Gerald (2003). Seriously funny : the rebel comedians of the 1950s and 1960s. New York: Pantheon Books. ISBN 9780375410307. 
  • Thompson, Stephen (2002). The tenacity of the cockroach : conversations with entertainment's most enduring outsiders, 1st ed.. New York: Three Rivers Press. ISBN 9780609809914.