User:Mark Harding
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I am an analytical chemist, working in industry, and living in Kent (UK). I have a PhD in Chemistry obtained from the University of East Anglia in 2004, an MRes in Chemistry from the University of Southampton (1996), and a BSc from the University of Aberdeen in Environmental Science (1995). My work related interests include chromatography and detector technology, green chemistry, project management and learning more about web2.0.
Outside of work I'd like to think I spend all my time reading books (I'm trying to learn more about the petrochemical industry and what may replace it at the moment), listening to edifying radio and watching arty cinema (although more likely DVDs of late) but in reality I watch a lot of TV. If it weren't for TV I'd never have thought about becoming a scientist though, thanks largely to channel 4 and their equinox and visionaries series from the late 80's and early 90's. I also find time for football, running and I'm a keen cyclist.